Every day work at Natureland
Yellow crown kakariki
At Natureland Wildlife Trust, we are dedicated to protecting New Zealand's endangered species through various conservation programmes. Our focus is centered on three key species: the South Island Kākā, Yellow-Crowned Kārāriki, and Pāteke (brown teal), each of which face significant challenges.
South Island Kākā (Nationally Vulnerable):
The South Island Kākā is classified as "Nationally Vulnerable" due to habitat loss and predation. Natureland's Breed for Release programme aims to increase the population of this beautiful parrot by breeding and releasing them into the wild.Yellow-Crowned Kākāriki (Near Threatened):
The Yellow-Crowned Kākāriki is now classified as "Near Threatened" due to habitat destruction and introduced predators. Our conservation efforts involve breeding and releasing these birds to help stabilize their populations.Pāteke (Endangered):
The Pāteke, or brown teal, faces a critical situation, officially classified as an "Endangered" species. Natureland is actively involved in breed and release programmes to safeguard their future.