Natureland Educational Services

Poipoia te kākano kia puawai | Nurture the seed and it will grow - Māori whakataukī
Kia ora koutou, let us introduce you to Natureland's onsite educator, Jazz.
Jazz has a working background in conservation and invasive species management along with experience working with the public and tamariki. Her passion for conservation permeates all aspects of her life, whether it be walking a trapline, or planting native species. In her spare time you can find her out with the flora and fauna in Aotearoa, exploring nga ngahere (the forests), awa (rivers), and roto (lakes).
Talk with her about designing an educational experience that suits the needs of yourself and your group. Jazz is also available to visit you at your kura for our School Outreach Programme.
We hope to see you soon!
Ngā mihi nui
Jazz Danis
“My favourite part was learning about the Kea. I liked seeing them up close! I didn't realise how smart they are”
“I want to be a zoo keeper when I'm older. Just like the keepers here. Then I can be a kaitiaki for the native animals”
- Brooklyn primary school
With a focus on hands-on, practical learning, we cater to education groups from early childhood through to the last years of high school. Everyone is provided with a safe, welcoming and engaging environment to explore and learn. Our facilities include a central site with a large picnic table for hands-on activities, grass lawns for spreading out on sunny days and a playground for our active tamariki! We encourage students to enjoy the zoo grounds and make the most of the experience.
Our educator is incredibly passionate and will work closely with you to ensure you get the most out of your learning experience.
All pre-booked groups are hosted by Natureland’s on-site educator free of charge.
School Groups
Natureland caters to all ages and levels of the New Zealand Curriculum. It’s a great place for our young tamariki to connect with the community and explore wildlife in a safe and supported environment. We believe in getting kids outside! Talk with our educator about helping you plan an outing for your center.
Community Outreach
Natureland offers great educational sessions to schools, but it doesn’t end there. Our mahi focusses on conservation and inspiring all to connect with and learn about wildlife so they may grow into people who take care of our precious environment. This includes rest homes/retirement villages, universities, and much more. Kaitiakitanga is what we're all about!
If you’re unable to come to us, we’ll come to you!
Contact our Educator about an educational visit at your location-we look forward to hearing from you!
Keeper Kids Program
Give your child a memorable, interactive and inspiration-filled educational experience at Natureland.
Keeper Kids day programs are packed full with wildlife enrichment activities, arts and crafts and much more!
Learn more about registering your child for a day at Keeper Kids HERE